12 Jun 2023

Ep 01 – Advice and insights for new surgeons starting in an oral surgery practice with Dr. Rachel Strait

In the inaugural episode of our podcast, we had the privilege of hosting Dr. Rachel Strait, a recently graduated oral surgeon, who shared her invaluable insights and experiences with our audience. Throughout the conversation, Dr. Strait provided a fresh perspective on the significance of academics and the continuous pursuit of knowledge through interactions with both peers and experienced surgeons.

One of the main takeaways from the episode was Dr. Strait’s emphasis on the importance of ongoing learning in the field of oral surgery. As a newly minted oral surgeon herself, she highlighted the critical role that continuous education plays in honing one’s skills and staying up-to-date with the latest advancements. She shared her own experiences of attending conferences, participating in test preparation classes, and engaging in discussions with colleagues, all of which have been instrumental in expanding her knowledge and improving her practice.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Rachel Strait’s expertise and enthusiasm for her field shone through, making it a valuable listen for oral surgery residents, new practitioners, and even seasoned surgeons.

Overall, the first episode of our podcast provided a compelling and informative introduction to the world of oral surgery, leaving listeners eager to explore more topics and insights in future episodes.

On our first episode, you’ll gain valuable insights from Dr. Rachel Strait on firsthand experiences as a newly minted oral surgeon. Dr. Strait offers a fresh perspective on the importance of academics and continuous learning from peers and experienced surgeons. She goes into how she has had to learn to think about patients and think about cases beyond the technical aspects. Whether you are a resident, new or experienced surgeon, you will get great advice and insights from this episode and Dr. Rachel Strait.